You have probably all noticed that lately our stock list isn't as plentiful as normal, and we would like to apologise for this. As you all can appreciate the global pandemic we are all fighting right now is far reaching and has had so many knock-on effects. Currently we are struggling to get flights out of most countries due to either flights being cancelled or countries being totally shutdown.


I would like to take this opportunity for all of us to try to support our local Australian fish producers as best as possible. Both our pricelist and website specify which fish are Australian bred so this will make it easy to select when placing orders.


We at Aquatic Solutions are also asking any Australian fish breeders to supply stock to us in order for us to supplement our reduced numbers of imported stock and allow us to continue to distribute fish throughout Australia.


It is in these trying times the best of us can shine and hopefully we can do our part in supporting, reinforcing and growing our local ornamental fish industry here in Australia. By being more self-reliant and having our own industry not so heavily dependent on imported stock, it will benefit our Australian ornamental fish industry in the long run. We have also seen a similar trend with so many other industries in Australia who have been so heavily reliant on imported stock and this pandemic has pushed the reset button on all we knew. This has made many local producers, manufacturers and businesses a more viable solution in recent times and that is great to see.


We have so many fantastic local breeders supplying us fish on a regular basis. However, we are in need of more fish and different species to ensure our range of fish on offer is the biggest and best in Australia.


We buy in bulk and will pay all reasonable freight charges. Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be able to assist us. Please email us species of fish, quantity, size, and price and if it is a viable proposition, we will contact you back.


I am determined to do whatever it takes to continue to operate this business and if we can all work together, I am sure once we reach the other side, we will all be stronger because of it.


Just think of how many people are at home these days thinking of ways to pass their time. Keeping fish and aquariums is a perfect solution.


Be positive. Stay safe. Long live Australian aquariums!


Julian Wong B.Sc. Hons

JMW International Pty. Ltd. t/as Aquatic Solutions

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